The Ultimate Pickleball Glossary: Terms Every Player Should Know
Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world, combining elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, understanding the unique terminology used in pickleball can enhance your game and make communication on the court seamless. Below is a comprehensive glossary of essential pickleball terms to get you up to speed!
Ace – A serve that is untouched by the opponent, winning the point immediately.
Approach Shot – A shot hit while moving toward the net, often setting up for a volley.
Around-the-Post (ATP) – A shot hit outside the net post, traveling parallel to the court to land in bounds on the opponent's side.
Backcourt – The area near the baseline, opposite the net.
Backhand – A stroke where the paddle moves across the body to hit the ball on the non-dominant side.
Baseline – The boundary line at the back of the court.
Banger – A player who prefers to hit hard, aggressive shots rather than using finesse.
Body Bag – A scenario where a player purposefully strikes the ball at their opponent's body, typically during a dinking exchange, resulting in the opponent losing the rally.
Bounce It – A call used to instruct a partner to let the ball bounce before playing it, often to avoid hitting a shot that may go out.
Bert – A volley where a player jumps across the centerline to hit a shot in front of their partner, often an aggressive poach.
Carry – An illegal shot occurs when the ball is carried or scooped instead of being struck cleanly.
Crosscourt – A shot hit diagonally from one side of the court to the opponent's side.
Counterattack – A defensive shot that turns an opponent's aggressive shot into an offensive play.
Dink – A soft shot that clears the net and lands in the opponent's non-volley zone (kitchen), often used in strategic play.
Double Bounce Rule – This rule states that the ball must bounce once on each side before players can volley it.
Drop Shot – A gentle shot aimed to land just over the net, making it challenging for the opponent to return.
Drive – A fast, low shot hit with pace, often used to force an opponent into a defensive position.
Erne – A shot where a player steps outside the court near the kitchen to hit a volley close to the net.
Equipment Fault—When a player's paddle, clothing, or accessories touch the net or playing surface, they cause a fault.
Falafel – A weak shot that doesn't travel far due to poor contact with the paddle.
Fault – A violation of rules that results in the loss of a serve or a point.
Flapjack – A shot that must bounce before it is hit; applies to the first two shots after a serve.
Groundstroke – A shot hit after the ball has bounced, as opposed to a volley.
Grip – The grip area of the paddle–where a player holds it–affects both control and power in shots.
Half Volley – A shot hit immediately after the ball bounces, requiring quick reflexes.
Hinder – Any situation where an external factor disrupts play, often leading to a replay.
Kitchen – Another name for the “Non-Volley Zone,” where players cannot hit a volley while standing inside it.
Lob – A high, arcing shot intended to push opponents back toward the baseline.
Let – A serve that touches the net but still lands in the correct service area.
Midcourt - Refers to the region located between the baseline and the non-volley zone.
Momentum Rule - This rule states that a player cannot step into the non-volley zone after hitting a volley, even if momentum carries them forward.
Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) – The area within 7 feet of the net on both sides, also known as the "Kitchen," prohibits volleying (hitting the ball before it bounces).
Overhead Smash – A powerful shot hit downward, usually off a high ball.
Open Paddle Face – Holding the paddle at an angle to create loft on a shot.
Paddle – The equipment used to strike the ball is generally made of composite materials or wood.
Poach – When a player crosses into their partner's territory to intercept a shot.
Punch Volley – A firm, controlled volley hit with minimal backswing, often used at the net.
Rally – A sequence of continuous play where the ball is hit back and forth.
Roll Volley – A forehand or backhand volley that is intended to create topspin.
Reset Shot – A soft, controlled shot to regain a neutral rally position and slow the opponent's attack.
Serve – The shot that begins a point, hit underhand from behind the baseline.
Side Out – When the serving team loses the rally, resulting in a turnover of service to the other team.
Split Step – A small hop a player takes to prepare for movement and quick reactions.
Stacking – A strategy where partners adjust their positions to maintain preferred court coverage after each serve or return.
Targeting – A shot aimed at an opponent’s face or head.
Third Shot Drop – A soft shot played after the serve and return, designed to land in the opponent's kitchen and set up a strategic rally.
Tweener – A shot hit between a player's legs, often used as a last-resort defensive move.
Volley – A shot hit before the ball bounces, usually taken near the net.
Volley Llama – A fault that occurs when a player volleys the ball while standing inside the kitchen.
Mastering these terms will help you understand the game better and improve your communication with teammates and opponents. Whether dinking at the kitchen or smashing an overhead, knowing the lingo ensures you're always one step ahead on the court.
Do you have any favorite pickleball terms we missed?