Free Pickleball 101 Courses

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America (still!). But despite the astronomical numbers of people who are trying the game for the first time every single day, there are even more people who are intrigued but, for one reason or another, still haven’t picked up a paddle.  
“Stay out of the kitchen!” 
“You can’t volley that ball!” 
“Whose serve is it?” 
“What planet am I on?”
Trying something new can be intimidating. The learning curve for many sports is incredibly steep. And for most of us, it’s been a long time since elementary school when we were surrounded by our peers learning a game for the first time. After all, who wants to walk out onto a court full of “experts” speaking a language you don’t understand? Why would anyone willingly subject himself to the embarrassment of looking like an unathletic dork who doesn't know even the simplest of rules? 
At Ace Pickleball Club, we’re not gonna let that happen to you. We’re committed to ensuring that every single person who walks through our doors, regardless of gender, age, or athletic ability, walks back out of those very same doors as a pickleball player. That’s why we’ve introduced Ace Pickleball Club’s free Pickleball 101 Clinics. That’s right, FREE. Our expert coaches have developed a very deliberate, simple, and effective curriculum for these 1-hour sessions to provide everything the beginner needs to begin her pickleball journey with confidence. PB 101 students will learn: 

  • Keeping Score 

  • Serving 

  • Returning Serve 

  • Kitchen (Non-Volley Zone) Rules 

  • 3rd Shot Drops and 3rd Shot Drives 

  • Dinking 

  • Why Pickleball Is The Greatest New Thing In Your Life 

So, enough of the excuses. No more hearing how your coworker is dominating his local courts or why your spouse is having a ball competing. Leave your insecurity at home, throw on your dusty old sneakers, and come on down to Ace Pickleball Club for a Free Pickleball 101 session. You don’t need to bring a paddle...we have everything you need to start an adventure you can enjoy for the rest of your life! 
-The APC Team


Pickleball’s Identity Crisis


Welcome to Ace Pickleball Club!